Wednesday 4 October 2017

River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers

River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers Points : River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers Q.1: Write down the purpose of river training. Ans: The purpose of river training is to establish the channel along a certain alignment. Q.2: Write down the different objects of river training. Ans: (1) High flood discharge may pass safely and quickly through the reach.
(2) Sediment load including bed and suspended load may be transported efficiently.
(3) To make the river course stable and reduce bank erosion to minimum.
(4) To provide a sufficient draft for navigation as well as good course for it.
(5) To fix direction of flow through certain defined reach
Q.3: Write down the name of different classification of river training. Ans: Keeping in view the objects of river training as stated above, river training can be classified into the following:
(1) High water training
(2) Low water training
(3) Mean water training
Q.4: Define the high water training. Ans: This is also called training for discharge. The river is trained to provide sufficient and efficient cross-sectional area for the expeditious passage of maximum flood. It concerns mainly with alignment and height of embankment for a given flood discharge Q5: Define the low water training. Ans: In this case the river is trained to provide sufficient depth for navigation during low stage of river. This is also called training/or depth and is usually achieved by contraction of the width of the channel Q.6: Define the training of sediment. Ans: In this case the river is trained to correct the configuration of river bed for the efficient transport of sediment load in order to keep the channel in good shape. It can be called training for sediment. Q.7: Write down the name of different type of river training works. Ans: The following are different types of river training works, provided for training of rivers.
(1) Marginal embankment (Dyke or Levee)
(2) Guide bank
(3) Groynes
Q.8: What is Groynes? Ans: A groyne is a permanent structure constructed transverse to the river low and extend from the bank into the river upto a certain limit.

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