Monday 10 October 2016

Irrigation system of Pakistan - Short Questions & Answers

Irrigation system of Pakistan - Short Questions & Answers Points : irrigation system of pakistan - short questions & answers Q.1: Write down the name of different methods of irrigation: Ans(1) Surface irrigation method
(2) subsurface irrigation method
(3) Sprinkler irrigation method
Q.2: Write down the name of different methods of surface irrigation. Ans (1) Flooding method
(2) furrow method
(3) Contour method
Q.3: Write down any two basic requirements for adaptation of any irrigation methods. Ans The basic requirements for adaptation of any irrigation method or mode of application of water are as follows:
1. The method should be such that uniform water distribution with as small as 6 cm water depth applications can be made for light irrigations.
2. At the same time it should afford heavy uniform application of 15 to 20 cm water depth.
Q.4: Define the contour laterals irrigation method. Ans This method is applicable for steeper terrain. The field is cut by relatively dense network of small contour laterals, the spacing of which depends upon the prominent grade of the field between two adjacent ditches or laterals, the uniformity of slope and the soil type. Q.5: Define the zigzag method of irrigation. Ans It is special method of flooding where water takes circuitous route before reaching the dead end of each plot. The whole area is divided into a number of square or rectangular plots; each plot is then subdivided with the help of low bunds or levees. Q.6: Define the furrow method of irrigation. Ans The furrow method of irrigation is very much used for row .crops like maize, jowar, sugarcane, cotton, tobacco, groundnut, potatoes etc. Q.7: Write down any two advantages of furrow method of Irrigation. Ans Furrow irrigation method has the following advantages:
(i) In the furrow irrigation, water contacts only 1/5 to Y2 of the land surface, thereby reducing pudding and crusting of the soil. Evaporation losses are also reduced.
(ii) Earlier cultivation is possible in heavy soil and may be adapted to use without erosion on a wide range of natural slope by carrying furrows across a sloping field rather than down the slope.
Q.8: Define the sprinkler irrigation method. Ans The sprinkler method consists of applying the water in the form of a spray, somewhat as in ordinary rain, as is done in the garden lawn sprinkling. Q.9: Write down any four advantages of sprinkler irrigation method. Ans Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation
(i) Erosion can be controlled
(ii) Uniform application for water is possible.
(iii) Irrigation is better controlled; light irrigation is possible seedling and plants which are young.
(iv) Land preparation is not required. Labour cost is reduced. More land is available for cropping, as borders and ditches are not required. Surface run off is eliminated.
Q.10: Write down the any two advantages of drip Irrigation system. Ans Advantages of Drip Irrigation System are as following:
1. Less requirement of irrigation water:
The evaporation and percolation losses, commonly associated with surface irrigation method arc reduced.

2. Water supply at optimum level:
An optimum water level, equal to the field capacity can always be maintained, by the water flow controls available in this method. Soil is maintained in most congenial form.


  1. nice article
    KEEP IT UP!!!!!

  2. nice article!!!
    it helps farmers to supply proper water to each plant in farm.
