Thursday 9 July 2015

Types of Water Cooling Tower

Types of Water Cooling Tower Points : Types of Water Cooling Tower, Natural Draft, Induced Draft 1. Natural Draft The natural Draft-cooling tower is designed to cool water by means of air moving through the tower at the low velocities prevalent in open spaces during the summer. Natural Draft towers are constructed of cypress or redwood and have numerous wooden decks of splash bars installed regular intervals from bottom to the top. Warm water from the condenser is flooded or sprayed over the distributing deck and flows by gravity to the water-collecting basin. A completely open, space is required for the natural draft tower since performance depends on existing air currents. Ordinarily, a roof is an excellent location. Louvers must be placed on all sides of a natural draft tower to reduce drift. 2. Induced Draft An induced draft-cooling tower is provided with a top mounted fan that induces atmospheric air to flow up through the tower, as warm water falls downward. An induced draft tower may have only spray nozzles for water breakup or it may be filled with various slot and deck arrangements. There are several types of induced daft cooling towers.

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