Wednesday, 4 October 2017

River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers

River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers Points : River Training Works - Short Questions and Answers Q.1: Write down the purpose of river training. Ans: The purpose of river training is to establish the channel along a certain alignment. Q.2: Write down the different objects of river training. Ans: (1) High flood discharge may pass safely and quickly through the reach.
(2) Sediment load including bed and suspended load may be transported efficiently.
(3) To make the river course stable and reduce bank erosion to minimum.
(4) To provide a sufficient draft for navigation as well as good course for it.
(5) To fix direction of flow through certain defined reach

River Training Works

River Training Works Points : river training works, objects of river training, classification of river training works Objects of River Training: The expression river training implies various measures adopted on a river to direct and guide the river flow, to train and regulate the river bed or to increase the low water depth. The purpose of river training is to establish the channel along a certain alignment. There may be various objects for training a river these are described below:
1. High flood discharge may pass safely and quickly through the reach.
2. Sediment load including bed and suspended load may be transported efficiently.
3. To make the river course stable and reduce bank erosion to minimum.
4. To provide a sufficient draft for navigation as well as good course for it.
5. To fix direction of flow through certain defined reach,

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Indus Basin Project

Indus Basin Project Points : indus basin project, history of indus basin irrigation system HISTORY OF INDUS BASIN IRRIGATION SYSTEM 1. Controlled year round irrigation began in 1859 with the completion of the Upper Bari Doab Canal (UBDC) from Madhopur Head works (now in India) on Ravi River. Until that time, irrigation was undertaken through a network of inundation canals, which were functional only during periods of high river flow. These provided water for kharif (summer) crops and some soil moisture for rabi (winter) crops.

2. The last inundation canals were connected to weir controlled supplies in 1962 with the completion of Guddu Barrage on Indus River. UBDC was followed by Sirhind Canal from Rupar Headworks on Sutlej in 1872 (also in India) and Sidhnai Canal from Sidhnai Barrage on Ravi in 1886. The Lower Chenab from Khanki on Chenab in 1892, and Lower jhelum from Rasul on Jhelum in 1901 followed suit. Lower and Upper Swat, Kabul River and Paharpur Canals in NWFP were completed between 1885 to 1914.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Storage Irrigation - Short Questions and Answers

Storage Irrigation - Short Questions and Answers Points : storage irrigation short questions and answers Q.1: What is storage irrigation? Ans: In storage irrigation system, a solid barrier, such as a dam or a storage weir is constructed across the river and water is stored in the reservoir or lake so formed. Q.2: Write down the different components which storage Irrigation Is depended. Ans: Depending upon the water requirements of crops, or the hydroelectric power generation, and upon the flow of water in the river, the volume of storage required is decided.

Storage Irrigation

Storage Irrigation Points : Storage Irrigation, Methods of Assessment of run off from a catchment area, Basin Recharge, Direct Run-off, In storage irrigation system, a solid barrier, such as a darn or a storage weir is constructed across the river and water is stored in the reservoir or lake so formed. Depending upon the water requirements of crops, or the hydroelectric power generation, and upon the flow of water in the river, the volume of storage required is decided. From the contour plan of the basin at the site of construction, the elevation storage curve for the reservoir is known. The height of the dam is then decided from this curve, corresponding to the storage-volume required. In Pakistan, most of the irrigation schemes fall under this category. Fig. shows the schematic plan for such a scheme.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Maintenance of Canals

Maintenance of Canals Points : chapter maintenance of canals After the construction of irrigation system in an area is completed, it becomes essential to maintain it for its proper and efficient functioning. There are various reasons due k which a canal may cease to function difficulty. These are:
1. Silting of canal
2. Branching of canal due to weak banks.
3. Weed growth
4. Over flow of canal banks

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Canal Fall - Short Questions and Answers

Canal Fall - Short Questions and Answers Points : canal fall - short questions and answers Q:1 Write the basic requirement of canal fall. Ans: (1) suitable energy dissipation arrangement. (2) Fluming (3) crest level (4) low cost Q:2 Write down the classification of falls. Ans: Falls may be divided into four principal classes with reference to the approach conditions
(1) Falls designed to maintain the depth discharge relation
(2) Falls designed to maintain a fixed supply level in the cannaI above the work (3) Falls designed to admit the variations of the surface level above the work at the will of the operator
(4) Miscellaneous Types
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